...then came Michael v 2.0 - SITE MOVED - www.ThenCameMichael.com
Old site. The new site is www.ThenCameMichael.com
Monday, March 16, 2015
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
My Story, My nightmare: Fragments of Memories
This was recorded during part of the most severe portion of reaction in that my body was so heavy that it was impossible to move out of the chair - not even to use the bathroom, and it felt like my body was shutting down completely. It repesents a good day during that time in that I could produce a voice and I could move my arm and hand to click record or to think well enough to make this. I was rarely this lucky. I was generally unable to move my limbs, hold my head up, swallow food, speak. Saying words wasn't always the issue, communicating my thoughts and needs as my brain intended was the issue. I was unable to write any sensible thought due to the severe brain issues, besides the weakness. And when I lost my ability to produce a voice, I was truly locked in, unable to communicate in any way. My entire existence would dim like a light bulb. Brain got very slow, heart, eyes, breathing and entire body, progressive weakness included. All these symptoms happening at the exact same time, I had no way to understand. I would describe it as like being in an awake coma.
I still 'dim' and weaken similarly today and almost 6 years later I am still hardly what you'd call functional, but at least my lows aren't this low. I can walk upright most of the time (short distances) but I am generally too weak to leave the house, and fatigue very quickly even though I do nothing all day. Simple things like walking to the washroom or even showering wear my batteries quickly, BUT I've been able to keep my batteries from discharging enough where I get this dim at least.
Even when I had a voice, it was soft and quickly my voicebox fatigued as did my heart and speaking caused horrible pain in my heart which would stop quickly as soon as I was still or quiet. I could not scream out in pain. I coult not move my body to even react to the pain. I couldn't dial 911. I couldn't tell Nikki - (or anyone) what was happening, and by this point I had already been kicked out of ICU. Been to the Mayo Clinic found a few important issues but they seemed to think no one could have a symptom list as long as I did, in so many different systems.
I had no idea who to call, or more importantly, what to say. I was so confused and unable to escape my own mind enough to communicate the thoughts in my head. And it was (and still is) like living in a movie, or a dream-like state. The world seemed so far away, so foreign, and communicating was/is like being intoxicated in some way, talking to voices in the dark - but I can see. Sort of. How do I find help? What do I tell them?
I had no other choice but to sit there and take it. I didn't understand what was happening enough to say much, couldn't communicate and was too weak to even move my arms or head most times. I faced pain, I faced terror. I faced myself here, in this chair - far away from my family, at the very back of our house. I learned shame beyond all reasonable description through this whole journey, but without a doubt this is where I began.
It is in this chair I faced the most indescribable, excruciating, horrific pain that is not of this Earth - including but no way limited to several layers of sharp/intense electrical pain from head to toe. Pounding heart beating at 120+ w intense chest pain, weakness causing me to even be unable to hold my head up, chew my food or swallow without choking. I couldn't scream for help or tell my family I loved them. A Nuclear Bomb had just gone off in my body and medical help of any meaningful type was impossible for me to find. So many symptoms at the same time... and my mind was so slow.
I've clawed my way back from what was certainly and clearly a very long, near-death experience. I've come a long way I think but the reality is that I'm not too far way from being back in this chair. And I'm continually wasting away. But I fight hard in every way I know how, every single day.
I have too much to say about the chair, what I've written hardly describe all that was happening at the time. But right now I'm in a state where I MUST get momentum. And looking at this video forces me to see that I've come far by sheer will alone. And that reminds me that I CAN do this.
Please, watch and see why I'm so very grateful for the smallest of moments.
*Audio boosted so you can hear me. Actual audio is so low as my voice was so soft. The original untouched versions can be found on this site here *
I'm alive. And so are you.
Your Brother in Fight,
This was recorded during part of the most severe portion of reaction in that my body was so heavy that it was impossible to move out of the chair - not even to use the bathroom, and it felt like my body was shutting down completely. It repesents a good day during that time in that I could produce a voice and I could move my arm and hand to click record or to think well enough to make this. I was rarely this lucky. I was generally unable to move my limbs, hold my head up, swallow food, speak. Saying words wasn't always the issue, communicating my thoughts and needs as my brain intended was the issue. I was unable to write any sensible thought due to the severe brain issues, besides the weakness. And when I lost my ability to produce a voice, I was truly locked in, unable to communicate in any way. My entire existence would dim like a light bulb. Brain got very slow, heart, eyes, breathing and entire body, progressive weakness included. All these symptoms happening at the exact same time, I had no way to understand. I would describe it as like being in an awake coma.
I still 'dim' and weaken similarly today and almost 6 years later I am still hardly what you'd call functional, but at least my lows aren't this low. I can walk upright most of the time (short distances) but I am generally too weak to leave the house, and fatigue very quickly even though I do nothing all day. Simple things like walking to the washroom or even showering wear my batteries quickly, BUT I've been able to keep my batteries from discharging enough where I get this dim at least.
Even when I had a voice, it was soft and quickly my voicebox fatigued as did my heart and speaking caused horrible pain in my heart which would stop quickly as soon as I was still or quiet. I could not scream out in pain. I coult not move my body to even react to the pain. I couldn't dial 911. I couldn't tell Nikki - (or anyone) what was happening, and by this point I had already been kicked out of ICU. Been to the Mayo Clinic found a few important issues but they seemed to think no one could have a symptom list as long as I did, in so many different systems.
I had no idea who to call, or more importantly, what to say. I was so confused and unable to escape my own mind enough to communicate the thoughts in my head. And it was (and still is) like living in a movie, or a dream-like state. The world seemed so far away, so foreign, and communicating was/is like being intoxicated in some way, talking to voices in the dark - but I can see. Sort of. How do I find help? What do I tell them?
I had no other choice but to sit there and take it. I didn't understand what was happening enough to say much, couldn't communicate and was too weak to even move my arms or head most times. I faced pain, I faced terror. I faced myself here, in this chair - far away from my family, at the very back of our house. I learned shame beyond all reasonable description through this whole journey, but without a doubt this is where I began.
It is in this chair I faced the most indescribable, excruciating, horrific pain that is not of this Earth - including but no way limited to several layers of sharp/intense electrical pain from head to toe. Pounding heart beating at 120+ w intense chest pain, weakness causing me to even be unable to hold my head up, chew my food or swallow without choking. I couldn't scream for help or tell my family I loved them. A Nuclear Bomb had just gone off in my body and medical help of any meaningful type was impossible for me to find. So many symptoms at the same time... and my mind was so slow.
I've clawed my way back from what was certainly and clearly a very long, near-death experience. I've come a long way I think but the reality is that I'm not too far way from being back in this chair. And I'm continually wasting away. But I fight hard in every way I know how, every single day.
I have too much to say about the chair, what I've written hardly describe all that was happening at the time. But right now I'm in a state where I MUST get momentum. And looking at this video forces me to see that I've come far by sheer will alone. And that reminds me that I CAN do this.
Please, watch and see why I'm so very grateful for the smallest of moments.
*Audio boosted so you can hear me. Actual audio is so low as my voice was so soft. The original untouched versions can be found on this site here *
I'm alive. And so are you.
Your Brother in Fight,
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Fragile: Handle with Care
Site moved to www.ThenCameMichael.com
My existence has become fragile. Leaving the house presents
a plethora of challenges from being sensitive to light, being sensitive to
excessive motion and sound around me, all the way to the fact that movement is
extremely difficult and very, very costly. Here’s one such example of just how
fragile I am and how quickly my day can take a dramatic and ugly turn for the
I meant to post this here a while ago, but as many of you
experience as well, my brain is too busy trying to make it through the day that
I don’t have much left for functions not related to daily existence. For some
of you, you may not have yet noticed the effects of stress and/or anger. I
noticed in the first 5-6 weeks of all this. For me, having had a severe reaction, the
effects of stress or anger are nothing short of horrifically ugly. Still, 5
years later I struggle with this daily.
Please, I would love to hear from those who can relate. It took me about
3 weeks to stop shaking and for the added pain and electrical sensations to
begin subsiding. Just about this time, the flood hit Boulder – which only served
to make things worse for me physically.
And again, every time my baseline gets lowered, it takes longer for me to get back to my previous baseline. Most of the time, I never make it back to my previous baseline. My new baseline is permanently lowered and the cycle of one step forward, two steps back begins all over again.
And again, every time my baseline gets lowered, it takes longer for me to get back to my previous baseline. Most of the time, I never make it back to my previous baseline. My new baseline is permanently lowered and the cycle of one step forward, two steps back begins all over again.
I wanted to post about this and my thoughts on it. But when
my baseline gets lowered (like it was that day) I essentially am forced to
crawl back into my shell until it gets better again. My brain and eye abilities
follow my baseline too, so when things get worse, I get real quiet. Just the
opposite of what you should be when you need help.
Even making food for myself becomes prohibitively difficult
during those times. I’ve learned to deal with the daily fluctuations and the
downward trends, but after 5 years it’s getting more difficult to cope.
Especially since many of my basic needs still are not being met. ** I STILL DON’T
After 5 years, we’re still simply not getting the
help we need. Makes it tough to get out of bed everyday when you know that no
matter how hard you fight, you still can’t succeed without the basic help you
need as a human being. Then, when I DO force myself to get out of bed everyday without fail, things
like this can immediately destroy any progress I’ve worked so hard to make.
Just erases it completely and sends me into a very frightening downward spiral
of pain and neurological issues.
visits are no different. They leave me in the same state.
I guess my point in posting this, besides just sharing, is that I would like to hear from those who have reactions like mine to stressors and/or anger. I know why this happens, Neurologically speaking. I was fortunate enough to have a Neurologist explain that part (at least). But I'd still just like to hear from others about their experience with Neurological symptom increases with stress or anger.
I guess my point in posting this, besides just sharing, is that I would like to hear from those who have reactions like mine to stressors and/or anger. I know why this happens, Neurologically speaking. I was fortunate enough to have a Neurologist explain that part (at least). But I'd still just like to hear from others about their experience with Neurological symptom increases with stress or anger.
From my Facebook post – 6 September 2013
Yesterday was a very rough day, some people’s souls are just so ugly.
As you know, I rarely get to leave the house. These last 10 months or so have been rough as I've experienced some fairly big setbacks, but I'll get to that another time.
Yesterday, Nikki had a root canal and had 2 wisdom teeth pulled. She was a mess, and it was time to pick Aedan up from school. There was no other option, so I drove her to the school. Besides the physical challenges I face daily, I would have been mentally unable to get through that on my own, it’s too much for me to process. The world still happens too fast and my mind and eyes both become quickly confused and overwhelmed. Just like many of you are experiencing.
I parked in a Handicapped space and made it about 50 yards to the door Aedan comes out of. For the last few days, the light tremors had come back. I was already shaking a bit. I made it back to the car, clearly having a difficult time. This was NOT one of the many times this might appear invisible to others. Once I got back to the car, there was an older woman walking around my car, clearly agitated. She asked who’s car it was. I responded that it was mine and I started to try to get in.
She stood in my way and demanded to know if I had a Handicap sticker/placard. I said no. I have permanent Handicap plates. Two of them in fact, front and back. I expected that to be the end of it. But apparently ugliness knows no bounds.
Instead of walking away after seeing my plates, this woman actually had the audacity to block me from getting into the car and proceeded to tell me how I took the spot of a little girl in a wheelchair and how that since I decided to park there, they had to wheel her further. She went on and on… I was stunned.
In front of me was this woman who was hell-bent on badgering a clearly and severely handicapped man (with PERMANENT handicap plates) for parking in a Handicap spot.
First, my brain was too confused to respond. My brain knew what it wanted to say, but once again, I couldn’t speak. That in and of itself is a hugely frustrating part of this sickness. But worse still, is that instantly all my electrical pain, shakes, confusion, etc all became dramatically worse. I immediately found myself in an electrical storm of intense, shaky pain. This is how my body responds to even minor stressors now. I learned about stress/anger and it’s horrific effects within the first 6 weeks of becoming “floxed”. Now 5 years later, it still has the same effects.
I wasn’t then and still am not too upset about what happened. I wasn’t even that upset at the time, just more in shock I suppose. But even minor stressors will trigger an instant and massive increase in all types of pain, mental/visual and mobility issues. Almost 24hrs later and I’m still shaking and trying to cope with the substantially increased difficulties and pain. Thankfully I’ve learned how to control even small amounts of anger most of the time. If I did allow myself to get angry or more upset than I had been, I would be in a far bigger physical nightmare than I am at the moment.
This is less about that woman and more about what I’m left to deal with in the aftermath. She struck a chord though in that like the rest of you, I have fought to be believed since day 1. So to have yet another ignorant person insinuate that I’m fine struck a nerve I’m sure. Like most of you, having Doctors be entirely unwilling to believe that something this horrific can possibly happen has taken a toll. And I’m sure subconsciously that bothers me more than I realize. But the black and white of it is here I am, almost 24hrs after one person made brief but insensitive comments, I am paying dearly in tortuous pain and a frightening increase in symptom intensity. For no reason.
I remember this, this is what I’d feel after every single Doctors appointment. This is one reason I had to give up on Doctors. I could no longer afford the intense increase in symptoms and difficulties after Doctors arrogantly dismiss all that we try to tell them.
I’m not sure this makes sense or that there was a clear point. I don’t want this to be my first post in 3+ months, but I have to get this off my chest. This is how my life has become, and how easy it is to get physically hurt now. I think most of you would understand or have similar experiences. Thank you for reading, and I hope I’ll be able to post more soon. Until then, thank you all for the kind words.
Love for you all.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Site moved to www.ThenCameMichael.com
Last night while on Facebook, I had met a woman who was trying to support the love of her life, Jeff, through a severe reaction to Levaquin. He is now bedridden as I was, and seeing his picture somehow brought back a lot of the pain and fear that live in shadows of memories from my nightmare.
See the thing is, I didn't have help. For those first 18 mos or so where I was bedridden, I had no idea what was happening to me. I didn't have a Doctor of any type who believed me, and my mind was so horribly affected that I couldn't explain what was happening to me. To anyone - I was too confused. I couldn't move, I couldn't use my mind to help myself. And worse still, I lost my ability to even produce a voice. So there was a time I was completely trapped, I was unable to move, think or speak. It was like being in a coma while awake. I remember the terror and I will never, ever forget the pain.
But I was a new Father, I could not fail my Son. Everyday I tried to stand. There wasn't a single day that I didn't fight to walk. Even if all I could do was move my wrist or shoulder. Didn't matter, I fought back. All I wanted to do was make it to the other side of the house where he was. I could hear him playing all day. But most days, I couldn't move my limbs. Only my wrists. But I fought. And you will too.
The point is to pay no mind to how much it hurts or what you can't do. Fight back. I would fall, I would often black out. But I didn't care. I fought from a place inside I never knew existed. You're alive today. You can kiss your kids, you can smell the air and you can hear the wind. I know it sounds crazy, but that is where life is. Live in those moments you do get. No matter how brief. Those will be the memories that will carry you through your darkest times.
My mental abilities are continuing to slowly improve, I can finally start to share my story. I'd like to hear from you as well. Please feel free to use the Contact Me page at the top and certainly please feel free to leave comments. It'd be nice for me to know I've reached those who needed it.
Expect to see many more posts and videos. But until then, I leave you with Hope.
Last night while on Facebook, I had met a woman who was trying to support the love of her life, Jeff, through a severe reaction to Levaquin. He is now bedridden as I was, and seeing his picture somehow brought back a lot of the pain and fear that live in shadows of memories from my nightmare.
See the thing is, I didn't have help. For those first 18 mos or so where I was bedridden, I had no idea what was happening to me. I didn't have a Doctor of any type who believed me, and my mind was so horribly affected that I couldn't explain what was happening to me. To anyone - I was too confused. I couldn't move, I couldn't use my mind to help myself. And worse still, I lost my ability to even produce a voice. So there was a time I was completely trapped, I was unable to move, think or speak. It was like being in a coma while awake. I remember the terror and I will never, ever forget the pain.
But I was a new Father, I could not fail my Son. Everyday I tried to stand. There wasn't a single day that I didn't fight to walk. Even if all I could do was move my wrist or shoulder. Didn't matter, I fought back. All I wanted to do was make it to the other side of the house where he was. I could hear him playing all day. But most days, I couldn't move my limbs. Only my wrists. But I fought. And you will too.
The point is to pay no mind to how much it hurts or what you can't do. Fight back. I would fall, I would often black out. But I didn't care. I fought from a place inside I never knew existed. You're alive today. You can kiss your kids, you can smell the air and you can hear the wind. I know it sounds crazy, but that is where life is. Live in those moments you do get. No matter how brief. Those will be the memories that will carry you through your darkest times.
My mental abilities are continuing to slowly improve, I can finally start to share my story. I'd like to hear from you as well. Please feel free to use the Contact Me page at the top and certainly please feel free to leave comments. It'd be nice for me to know I've reached those who needed it.
Expect to see many more posts and videos. But until then, I leave you with Hope.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Glutathione Part Deux: How to self administer a Glutathione IV if alone
Site moved to www.ThenCameMichael.com where you will find a new Glutathione section!
This post is now found here:
How to prepare and self administer a Glutathione IV alone, without help:
Over this last week I've been able to finally log onto and use my Facebook account that Nikki made a year or two ago. It was only 6 mos ago when I last tried to learn it, but it was far too much for my eyes to process and I couldn't understand what I was seeing. Did log on, got through that part. But I couldn't understand the screen. I did see a box to type in, so I did and I just hoped that went somewhere that it was seen. So I'm happy to report that's a fairly big improvement for me. I'll write more on this later, it's a big deal to me to be able to finally start communicating again.
The point of this post is to answer a question I've been asked too many times in this last week. Which is "What if I don't have anyone to help me do this?" , referring to the video I made on self administering Glutathione. Or, "I'm too scared to do this", etc... If you've been where I have, you're far past a place where fear plays any role. So you are not too scared, you're so much stronger than you think.
Well you're in luck. In 2010 when I first started to do my own IV's, I made a couple of videos.
For those first few years, especially when was unable to speak, I had this dream I held onto which was that someday I would heal enough to find people suffering like me. And that when I did, I would be able to help. Then in early 2010 I had my first dose of Glutathione. Within minutes I was substantially more clear minded, I could stand and walk with comparative ease and I could speak clearly. I was still trapped inside my own mind, unable to effectively communicate and still so so confused. But I couldn't wait to tell those who suffered like I did all about it.
After some quality control issues with the supply my local Dr had (I urinated a LOT of blood after each Glutathione treatment), I didn't understand how to find other help. Again, my brain was so useless then. Since I couldn't understand the outside world enough to find help, I decided I would have to do it myself. So I set out to find the Doctor who pioneered the use of this miracle substance to learn about it. And I did.
I'm sure the rest of you floxies will understand this part too; I had too much shame about being sick that I couldn't bring myself to ask for help. I also refused to let Big Pharma's killing machine to take away from her or my Son anymore than they already had. I didn't want Nikki to have to see this, she deserved better I thought. She did help those first few times. But I really needed it everyday, and I was so ashamed of what had become of me that on most days I wouldn't ask. And I'd go without, even though it made me so much worse without. I knew that had to change. My family needs me to get better.
So I found this Dremel Desktop Vice on amazon which I thought just *might* work as an extra hand. When it came I was so excited because I was going to make a video that perhaps someday I'd be well enough to share with those like me.
The last video is a little longer, but please watch. Yes, I'm showing you how to do it. But most important, it's the first time I had recorded my thoughts and words for those like me. Through these I am talking directly to those floxies who are just like me. And I would very much like to share them with you now.
This is the very first time I tried this, but I wanted to record my first time so y'all knew what to expect. I'm glad to finally share these.
This is also the first blog post where I simply write and post. So I hope it makes sense. Usually a post takes me at least a month to write since I can't always find the words I want to use. Same thing with speech.
Last, I've opened comments up to all since it sounds like some were trying to contact me but couldn't. So feel free to post any comments or questions.
This is in 3 parts.
This first video is showing and explaining the proper preparation process for the Glutathone IV.
This second video is the set-up process and final preparation before injection.
Last, this third video is the actual process from start to finish without any help. During the IV I share my thoughts with you on things I hope you'll find helpful. So please watch.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
a mark in time...
Site moved to www.ThenCameMichael.com
This is a good representation of my current nighttime baseline. I think I should start posting these from time to time. It would be a good way for me to look back at my progress.
Like many of you other "floxies" know, the intensity can vary. Some days (or months) are better than others so this can change for the worse very quickly. When I do have improvements, it's very gradual. Even just returning to previous baseline takes months after I've pushed too hard or got sick (or stressed, angry, etc). Not an all-inclusive description, but here is a brief note on where I am now.
Below is a transcript of a recording I made on the 14th of this month.
What I recorded that night is typical for me lately. Far better than it was at night 6-8 mos ago, same issues and sensations, just not as intense. There is so much more I want to add that explains what it's like to be in this body and what it's like to work through the mental challenges I now have thanks to big pharma. But I will have to make do with the fragmented thoughts as they come.
I recently had the chance to speak with several more people who have been "Floxed". It felt great to relay the progress I have made and relay as much of the science and remedies I have learned as possible. I found it incredibly helpful for me as well as I was able to simply say the things that I go through. Even though only another "Floxed" person could truly understand what I was saying, the point is that I finally got to speak and be understood. All the symptoms and issues that I have a hard time describing were simply understood as they too are experiencing it.
Best of all, we got to speak about some of the mental challenges we now face. Levaquin (Avelox, Cipro and ALL Flouroquinolones) cause brain damage amongst many other major issues.
This is a good representation of my current nighttime baseline. I think I should start posting these from time to time. It would be a good way for me to look back at my progress.
Like many of you other "floxies" know, the intensity can vary. Some days (or months) are better than others so this can change for the worse very quickly. When I do have improvements, it's very gradual. Even just returning to previous baseline takes months after I've pushed too hard or got sick (or stressed, angry, etc). Not an all-inclusive description, but here is a brief note on where I am now.
Below is a transcript of a recording I made on the 14th of this month.
“Its about 9:30 PM, and I wanted to try and record what some
of my typical days or nights are like. Right now, as usual I’m very… I’m just
short of breath. And my breathing is very shallow. And like my Nurse pointed
out, I don’t seem to breathe too often. And when I do I have a very hard time
getting a full breath. And it feels like
there is that closing in my throat that I went to Dr. Li about a few months
after this started – 4.5 years ago.
My heart rate is up. My heart doesn’t hurt like it used to. That
hasn’t happened since about April or so of 2012. My heart is definitely tired
and it does strain, it just doesn’t hurt.
My body is incredibly heavy, and tingly. I have a burning
sensation all over my body, including my face. My muscles feel tight. Very very
tight. Even to the touch, my leg muscles are extremely tight. And they’re very
painful. As are my joints. My hips especially. But my knees have started
hurting again. And my body just feels tired. Like I had a workout where I went
past muscle failure. My body just sort of shakes.
My eyeballs feel numb, but they also hurt. They sting. My mouth
is so dry. Very dry. My nose and my eyes are very dry. So much so that it
hurts. And its not the humidity in Colorado, it’s been like that ever since it
started and Chicago is a very humid place.
Feels almost like an electrical pain running through my
body. And everything feels slow when that happens. My thinking gets slower. My eyes,
they are a little blurrier than usual. They seem to strain as I hit the wall.
Saying I’m tired isn’t the word. This is so far past tired.
I’m just heavy. My chest is heavy. It’s tight. All my muscles feel tight. Even my
biceps. Noticing my hands feel tight… and I’m starting to slow down a whole
This is generally an improvement. Until about June of 2012,
it was always far worse than
this. The way I feel now is how a single good day would have been back then. It’s
just my body is so weak. I’ve become so weak I’ve lost so much muscle. I’m at
137lbs now. And while I’m experiencing some improvements with the intensity of
the symptoms, I can do far less because my body is so weak. It’s just really
taken it’s toll on me. But I fight every
day. Every day I fight. “
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Saline is my friend. Lactic Acid is not.
Site moved to www.ThenCameMichael.com
After the Saline and Glutathione combination I notice an
improvement with the tightness and some of the related pain. Today I feel an
unusual amount of improved clarity of thought. Clearer in thought enough to
write and post. Generally I begin to hit the wall by 4PM at the latest. Which
also means that thought becomes much cloudier and tasks like posting this would
be something I would not be able to do.
I do however feel that the recently increased dosage of NAC to 2400mg
has a lot to do with this as does my recent additions of far better probiotics
and digestive enzymes as well.
While I noticed improvements, I
am still in fairly intense pain. About a 6.5 overall at the moment (6:54PM). My entire body is in pain, legs are by far the
worst for pain. My knee and hip joints are also intensely painful and feel
I wrote the above yesterday, but my mind continued to soften
(I was starting to hit the wall) and soon I was unable to see well enough to
read nor be able to continue communicating my thoughts effectively. Make no
mistake about it, the physical damage is devastating. But even with all of the
things Levaquin has done to my body, it’s the effects on the brain that really
make this nearly impossible to live with.
Back to the subject.
About 1.5 yrs ago I decided I wanted to try to add a Saline
drip to my IV routine. My reasoning was that I was certain that certain types
of the pain I’m experiencing is being caused by an abundance of Lactic Acid
build up. When I try to move my body quickly, like tickling my Son for
instance, an intense burning sensation washes over my entire body. Face, arms,
legs, chest, back, etc. It stands to reason that I am producing an abundance of
Lactic Acid/Lactate which causes the predicable pain I experience.
I used to work out often and am no stranger to Lactic Acid.
I know that two of the best things I can do for Lactic Acid and it’s pain is
movement and fluids. After workouts, the more you move the less sore you are,
right? Well since I cannot move all that much anymore, fluids would be my only
I asked my primary care Dr for a script for NSS at 500ML. He
looked at me like I had nine heads, but eventually agreed. Since then, I’ve
been able to try a drip under different circumstances and different types of
pain, on the spot since I have the supplies at home and am insane enough to
give myself an IV even though my hands shake and I often do not see very well.
As I mentioned in the video, it does help. It doesn’t take
away a lot of the pain(s), but none-the-less it takes away more than enough to
notice and be grateful. And again, small wins are still wins.
With luck, I’ll be able to post more soon.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Glutathione - your body's 'Master Anti-oxidant'
Site moved to www.ThenCameMichael.com where you will find a new Glutathione section!
This post is now found here:
Glutathione has been a major part of my progress for the last 2.5 years. If I go more than 5-7 days without, I start going downhill. Fast. It is the reason I can walk again and communicate using words again.
I have learned a tremendous amount on the subject. My Neurologist, Dr. David Perlmutter, pioneered it's use almost 20 years ago for many intense Neurological conditions. He has since taught and/or consulted with a great many physicians on the use and administration of Glutathione over the years.
This post is now found here:
Glutathione has been a major part of my progress for the last 2.5 years. If I go more than 5-7 days without, I start going downhill. Fast. It is the reason I can walk again and communicate using words again.
I have learned a tremendous amount on the subject. My Neurologist, Dr. David Perlmutter, pioneered it's use almost 20 years ago for many intense Neurological conditions. He has since taught and/or consulted with a great many physicians on the use and administration of Glutathione over the years.
I have heard a few people suggest they had a less than plesant experience with Glutathione. From personal experience I am certain incorrect handling and/or poor product is the cause. I have personally had bad experiences early on. I had begun to urinate blood (a LOT of blood) immediately following my first few Glutathione IV's from a Dr in Chicago.
After several doctors and a hospital stay failed to figure it out, I went to the Dr's office and inspected his Glutathione supply. It was from some obscure pharmacy and was not only oxidized but also expired. Glutathione is very sensitive to both light and heat. Proper handling is paramount. That means from the time it leaves the pharmacy until it reaches your bloodstream. Moreover, there is ONE place and ONE place only that I feel should be a source of Glutathione.
Wellness Pharmacy is where Dr Perlmutter has his compounded. As you all can certainly understand, I was not interested in trying anything other than what has been proven to work. That meant for me, I would only get it from the pharmacy that patented it's creation method.
Wellness has patented the method for creating 100% reduced L-Glutathione. Once I switched to the pure form compounded there, not only have I had ZERO issues, it's potency is dramatically higher than the others I've experienced.
The correct way to prepare and administer Glutathione is through an IV push (NOT injecting Glutathione into a 500ml bag of saline!). It is important to dilute with 10ml of Sodium Chloride into a syringe. My dosage generally is 3000IU of Glutathione, diluted with 10ml of Sodium Chloride.
Glutathione is your body's "Master Anti-Oxidant". It is a naturally occuring substance that is largely responsible for your overall health and function. Among the many things it does, one is it's arguably the most effective scavenger of free-radicals. The little evil-doers that attack your body and brain continually.
A little over 2 years ago, I taught myself to do an IV push. I had no luck finding (or affording!) Dr's locally who would be willing to help. And I sure as heck wasn't going to go back to BoBo the Circus Chimp who had administered it the first time. He clearly was hardly competent. And Dr Perlmutter was 2000 miles away.
I want to share a video I made during today's IV push for a number of reasons. But most importantly, I made it to show that you CAN do anything - even things you think impossible. Let us not forget: Your thoughts greatly affect your outcomes in life. Whether you think you can or think you cannot - you're right. It's up to you to decide which you choose. Personally, I believe I can.
You CAN and will get through this.
I will soon do another post with more in-depth information on Glutathione as well as other supplements soon. But for now, know that together we will all get through this.
Please, if you have questions or would just like to drop me a note with your thoughts, please use the contact me page.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Coming out of the woodwork
Site moved to www.ThenCameMichael.com
As we all have guessed, Michael doesn't get out much. Yet, it is really starting to amaze me how, when he does go out, he starts talking to random strangers about what has happened to him and they either know someone or are directly affected by this same family of drugs. For those of you reading this who know Michael personally, you know that with his charisma- something which I have always been a bit jealous of- he instantly disarms, relates to, and then becomes insta-friends with complete strangers. Lately, his world revolves around his condition. This only makes him a laser pointed at a target. And now, when he talks, he finds that people being hurt by this drug are coming out of the woodwork.
Most recently, Michael- who is in Florida for an office visit with one of the best neurologists in the country, Dr. David Perlmutter- started talking to a couple a few rooms away from where he was staying in his hotel. As they started to learn more, there was an eerie acknowledging of all the medical details. Usually terms like neuropathy have to be defined. The couple, though, recognized many of Michael's symptoms, because the young lady had been experiencing a lot of the same ones for 5 years. Though not nearly as severe, she experienced autonomic nervous system damage, fatigue, cognitive issues, and neuropathic pain. When Michael asked, "Did you take an antibiotic before this started happening?", she was surprised, for they had not pieced together that the Cipro she had taken to treat her bronchitis was what caused her 5 yrs of adverse reactions. This couple was from Indiana. They met in Florida. Michael then gave them as many websites as he could to educate them for their new battle, which now has a face. I do not believe this meeting was a coincidence.
This next story I found quite moving when I first heard it and am only now ready to share it.
Michael's father, who does online gaming told Michael's story to a man he plays with over the computer. This man happened to live in Louisiana. Well, remember in April 2010, a little disaster known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill happened in the Gulf of Mexico. This man was one of many fishermen who helped "clean up" those waters. Many of them reported respiratory distress due to the toxic fumes coming from the waters they were working long hours in. When this man heard Michael's story, something struck a chord in him. He, as well as a large group of other fishermen, were prsecribed fluoroquinolones and steroids to treat their "respiratory distress". He mentioned to Michael's father how since then he has not felt quite the same- extremely tired, like his brain can't work right...Here comes the moving part...This fisherman along with others who were given the same "treatment" stormed the doctor's office and demanded they be put on something different because of what they knew this drug did to Michael. Can you imagine- you are a fisherman whose home waters have been destroyed because of big oil company negligence. You are forced to pick up this job cleaning the waters because it's not like you can fish now. And then you are given this toxic drug that has the potential to ruin your life. What a way to kick a man when he's down. In most sports that is considered illegal.
There have been many other people since then that have recognized parts of Michael's story as something happening to a loved one. Whenever Michael shares what happened to him- which is with anyone he meets- there is a connection. The landscaping man's son, the cable guy's uncle- anyone!
When I hear him speak to people, what I see is someone who is finally becoming ready to share his story with the World in the hopes to save lives and affect change. And I think to myself, The drug companies don't know who they messed with. Because even being in the condition that he is in everyday, when a fire is lit under this man's a** he is powerful beyond measure.
Before this happened, I wouldn't say I was very progressive or liberal about my political and social opinions. In fact, I'd call myself blissfully naive. I didn't know the influence of pharmaceutical companies. I trusted anything a doctor told me. I believed in a system that I now see does not look after me.
As we all have guessed, Michael doesn't get out much. Yet, it is really starting to amaze me how, when he does go out, he starts talking to random strangers about what has happened to him and they either know someone or are directly affected by this same family of drugs. For those of you reading this who know Michael personally, you know that with his charisma- something which I have always been a bit jealous of- he instantly disarms, relates to, and then becomes insta-friends with complete strangers. Lately, his world revolves around his condition. This only makes him a laser pointed at a target. And now, when he talks, he finds that people being hurt by this drug are coming out of the woodwork.
Most recently, Michael- who is in Florida for an office visit with one of the best neurologists in the country, Dr. David Perlmutter- started talking to a couple a few rooms away from where he was staying in his hotel. As they started to learn more, there was an eerie acknowledging of all the medical details. Usually terms like neuropathy have to be defined. The couple, though, recognized many of Michael's symptoms, because the young lady had been experiencing a lot of the same ones for 5 years. Though not nearly as severe, she experienced autonomic nervous system damage, fatigue, cognitive issues, and neuropathic pain. When Michael asked, "Did you take an antibiotic before this started happening?", she was surprised, for they had not pieced together that the Cipro she had taken to treat her bronchitis was what caused her 5 yrs of adverse reactions. This couple was from Indiana. They met in Florida. Michael then gave them as many websites as he could to educate them for their new battle, which now has a face. I do not believe this meeting was a coincidence.
This next story I found quite moving when I first heard it and am only now ready to share it.
Michael's father, who does online gaming told Michael's story to a man he plays with over the computer. This man happened to live in Louisiana. Well, remember in April 2010, a little disaster known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill happened in the Gulf of Mexico. This man was one of many fishermen who helped "clean up" those waters. Many of them reported respiratory distress due to the toxic fumes coming from the waters they were working long hours in. When this man heard Michael's story, something struck a chord in him. He, as well as a large group of other fishermen, were prsecribed fluoroquinolones and steroids to treat their "respiratory distress". He mentioned to Michael's father how since then he has not felt quite the same- extremely tired, like his brain can't work right...Here comes the moving part...This fisherman along with others who were given the same "treatment" stormed the doctor's office and demanded they be put on something different because of what they knew this drug did to Michael. Can you imagine- you are a fisherman whose home waters have been destroyed because of big oil company negligence. You are forced to pick up this job cleaning the waters because it's not like you can fish now. And then you are given this toxic drug that has the potential to ruin your life. What a way to kick a man when he's down. In most sports that is considered illegal.
There have been many other people since then that have recognized parts of Michael's story as something happening to a loved one. Whenever Michael shares what happened to him- which is with anyone he meets- there is a connection. The landscaping man's son, the cable guy's uncle- anyone!
When I hear him speak to people, what I see is someone who is finally becoming ready to share his story with the World in the hopes to save lives and affect change. And I think to myself, The drug companies don't know who they messed with. Because even being in the condition that he is in everyday, when a fire is lit under this man's a** he is powerful beyond measure.
Before this happened, I wouldn't say I was very progressive or liberal about my political and social opinions. In fact, I'd call myself blissfully naive. I didn't know the influence of pharmaceutical companies. I trusted anything a doctor told me. I believed in a system that I now see does not look after me.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Inside a quiet room
Site moved to www.ThenCameMichael.com
"...at my worst when I was stuck in that chair. I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. I could barely keep my head up and all I would do was stare at the patterns in the carpet just to make sure I was still in there and alert. I remembered where each stain was. I was scared to sleep. I was afraid I wouldn't wake up if I did...."
As Michael talks about that period of months that happened less than a year after his first symptoms of poisoning began, you can hear him well up with tears. Remembering the period of months that he could barely walk- when even standing in one place was unreliable, and at the worst, when even talking seemed to take too much from his body- is an unbearable road to go down.

Michael had to relearn how to walk. He does so now, but under extreme concentration and only for short distances. Indeed, some of his physical abilities came back. He's not using a wheelchair anymore and can stand erect without it appearing awkward.
But his mental impairment is very present. Many times thoughout the day Michael must escape to a quiet area of the house because his brain has had too much. Even trying to field the many questions that a curious 4yr old shoots at him can be too overwhelming. Sometimes he goes out to the garage. Where we live now, he has a nicer den area on the other side of the house where he can lie down. Anywhere we go, he has to have this escape route so he can quiet his mind down again and rest. Unfortunately, this quiet room is not impenatrable to our son. When he wants to find daddy he knows exactly where to look. But usually, the quiet room is his sanctuary.
On a much deeper level though, his "quiet room" can be anywhere. Michael stands outside the garage a lot, taking in the sunshine, listening to the birds, staring at the mountains. He becomes so in tune with his environment that he can tell which trees the wind is blowing through by the difference in sound. Listening to him talk is like listening to someone who has practiced meditation all their life. Even more profound, Michael deals with his pain by "becoming friends" with it. Sometimes, lying silently he becomes very aware of where pain lives and moves throughout his body. He can pinpoint one specific type and track it, and breathe through it, and live in it. Not many people I know can say that when they feel pain, they want to get to know it. Masking pain or removing it is more the norm. It amazes me how, through this illness, Michael has found this place within himself that is peaceful, and silent, and strong. To be able to access that quiet room within, is the greatest and healthiest gift he has found for himself.
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