
I have several videos that I will soon be posting on this page, and if my cognitive abilities allow, I will continue to make a video blog as well. Look for updates here in coming weeks.

This is one of the videos I made while bedridden. I was actually in a an oversized reclining chair, not in bed. This chair is where I was trapped for many many months. The pain was unrelenting, I was so weak. My mind was so slow and I was so confused. This video represents a better day toward the end of the time I spent in that chair. Better in that I was able to produce a voice somewhat, I was able to move more of my body at least. I was no longer panting like a dog and was able to breathe somewhat easier.  There is so much that was happing to my body during this time, far too much to list. You can get a hint by checking my symptoms tab. For now, here's a brief glimpse of what it was like.

**Audio has been boosted as the voice I was able to produce was so soft. The originals can be found on this site here

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